“In the 60’s, if someone did not organize against the government, I would not have had the chance to become President.”— President, Barack Obama

With 1 supporters
We still need 1 Supporters

The Petition

Address the current policies and procedures of the bureaucracy and how they have and are impacting our lives and those of the children and families we serve.

Petition by,

Letter To The Commissioner

April 24, 2016


Dear Commissioner Weber,

Recently the President of the United States delivered a speech to the citizens of Cuba. In that speech he stated, “To organize against the government is not bad. It is good because that is how change happens. In the 60’s, if someone did not organize against the government, I would not have had the chance to become President.”

We, the professionals in the field of early care and education, do not wish to organize against the government at this point in time. We do extend an invitation to engage in dialogues across the Commonwealth, through a series of town hall type gatherings, to address the current policies and procedures of the bureaucracy and how they have and are impacting our lives and those of the children and families we serve. We request these gatherings be scheduled during evening hours so our entire community of providers can attend. It is our hope that you are open to hear our voices and work with us to create a system that supports the best in all of us.

We thank you for your consideration, and you may reach us with your response through this website.


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